SMS Marketing for business

SMS marketing is a precious gem for today’s businesses. It is an easy way to get your business’s name out there in the global mobile-centric world that we live in today.

It’s 2021, but surprisingly, even after 28 years since the inception of SMS, it has still been considered one of the most preferred B2B and B2C marketing strategies worldwide. Brand feel SMS is one of the most valued marketing techniques as it earns higher open rates, engagement, and click-through rates.

Hey guys, may we have your attention, please!

According to the latest GSMA intelligence report, there are 5.22 billion mobile users in the world. Ninety-three million have grown in the past year and have started using smartphones. Well, that’s huge.

email marketing vs text message marketing

Another reason why more and more businesses are getting inclined towards SMS services while being aware of the SMS marketing trends.

Today an average consumer checks their phone multiple times a day. That’s the reason SMS Marketing is making a comeback for marketers besides the obvious benefits of cost, simplicity, and technology. 

In this post, we’ll shed light on how SMS marketing remains a powerful tool for your businesses in today’s digital environment. You will eventually know how brands are managing to use text messages to increase customer engagement effectively

Let’s get started!


SMSs give you convenience by bridging the gap between you and your customers. Phone calls sometimes become overwhelming. Marketers sometimes call at wee hours when the customers are busy attending a meeting or doing something else. Similarly, emails get lost, marked as spam or end up in your customer’s bin.  
On the contrary, when you send an SMS, customers can read them whenever they want, wherever they want at their convenience, making the SMS channel non-intrusive and convenient.

Wider reach

Wider reach

Nothing comes close to SMS as far as broader reach is concerned.

60% of the total world’s population owns a phone, including a good proportion of your target audience.

Text messages have the maximum reach as they get transmitted over multiple telecom networks & across different locations. Local customers or international customers, you can reach anyone, anytime.

Streamlines communication

Businesses today are striving hard to send messages out to their customers and receive feedback from them. Bulk SMS services promise you effective communication between your brand and customers, making everything easier to manage.

Overall, two-way communication makes your business voice more potent and more coherent. It also ensures that valuable information doesn’t get lost during the exchange.

SMS also paves the way for faster communication providing customer back-and-forth conversations. A Gartner research stated that the response rate of SMS is 45%, compared to email (6% response rate). Additionally, data from the GSM Association shows that it takes 90 seconds to respond to text messages on average, which is much faster than emails. 

Marketing campaign success

SMS has the highest open rate (98%) as compared to other channels. If there is a new product launch, sale, or promotional offer you wish to run for your customer base, SMS will give you the broadest reach. 

Once you trigger an SMS marketing campaign, what your business needs next are insights on the performance. You get real-time data and detailed analytics. For example:

  • The total number of messages delivered
  • Message status
  • Timestamps
  • Geolocation, browser, etc.
  • Open Rates
  • Click Rates
  • Time to deliver

SMS Marketing Analytics helps you effortlessly track your campaign performance. Businesses can use these insights to plan out different marketing strategies, drive revenue, engagement & conversations.

SMS strategy allows you to get a direct response element using questions that get answered faster than you blink. 

Bottom line: You will know how successful the campaign was, what approach has to be followed next for future campaigns so that you can attract new customers.

Text messaging services are affordable

Do you know what the best thing about Business text messaging services is? Well, we will tell you. It requires minimal initial investment but delivers excellent ROI.

When you compare different marketing channels like billboards, email marketing, digital marketing, television advertisements, mobile ads or magazine ads, SMS service is a pocket-friendly option.

Whether you have a small startup or a multinational corporation, we recommend connecting with the best SMS service provider that offers budget-friendly solutions.

Direct and personal

Text messaging offers a direct and strategic line of communication. The receiver opens the text message almost immediately on receipt. 

Short, crisp, and to-the-point messages are what should be preferred when you send messages to your customers. No one has the time to read long and detailed text essays. 

Immediate and effective

Immediacy and brevity are the two key benefits of SMS marketing. You can’t overwhelm your audience with information owing to the 160 character restriction limit. 

A perfectly drafted SMS sends the right message that you want to deliver, whether about sales or new products/services. Customers know what they have to do next, and this saves a lot of time.

Scope for customization

 Text messaging allows you to communicate your message to the right audience & personalize it. Remember, customers, are more likely to respond to an SMS tailored to their preference, purchase history, behavior and address them by their name. 

Wait. There is more. 

Businesses can trigger SMS Marketing Campaigns to their audience based on demographics, gender, and preferences. You can then customize your approach, outreach, and engagement strategies based on the interactions & engagement metrics of the SMS Marketing Campaign. 

Maintain customer relationship

Customer engagement is a tough cookie to crack these days. Between short attention spans and the growing number of distractions worldwide, it’s challenging to get your messages in front of your target audience.

SMSs make them feel that your business is easily accessible. Personalized, Branded Messages delivered at the right time will make your customers feel that your brand is part of their lives instead of thinking that they have received an unwanted random link to buy some half-assed product that they don’t want.

Experience the benefits of SMS Marketing Today

Text messaging outshines other channels as they need zero prep time. And now you know that texts are far more likely to get opened than emails, you will undoubtedly be successful in notifying your customers about products and services as quickly as possible.

There are approximately 61% of businesses that still haven’t started to take advantage of SMS marketing. It means that if you adopt the trend now, you’ll be on the cutting edge. Adopt SMS marketing and give your business that extra edge it needs to compete in the market amongst your competitors.

Read our other Blogs: Top 10 Bulk SMS Service Providers in the Market

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